The Cafe on the Edge of the World Podcast

#34 Rutger Bregman, NYT Bestselling author of Humankind and a cutting edge thinker.

September 11, 2023 John Strelecky
The Cafe on the Edge of the World Podcast
#34 Rutger Bregman, NYT Bestselling author of Humankind and a cutting edge thinker.
Show Notes

Join me for a Between the Lines conversation with a truly fascinating guy. New York Times bestselling author Rutger Bregman had a theory that people are more kind than we are led to believe. So he did a ton of super cool research to see if that was true. Listen in on our discussion as we talk about the mind-blowing discoveries he made along the way, and the myths that we are led to believe are “truths” that impact our perception of humanity.  We talk about why it's important to work in alignment with your obsessions, how “survival of the friendliest” is actually how the world works, why it's vital for society to critically look at the data to learn and develop, what sells clicks and why we hear the news stories we do, and when in doubt its statistically wise to assume the best in others.

To learn more about Rutger Bregman or to purchase his books, please visit his website here: