The Cafe on the Edge of the World Podcast
Host John Strelecky (author of The Cafe on the Edge of the World) and fellow collaborators share humorous and heartfelt advice about the big questions in life. Hang with them as they bridge the gap between our seemingly absolute unimportance given the grand scale of the universe and yet how to live a meaningful life despite that. Episodes include highlights from interviews he has given, and brand new content recorded just for the show. New episode each month.
The Cafe on the Edge of the World Podcast
#59 Karin Kuschik, #1 Bestselling Author and Performance Coach
On this episode, I sit down for an energetic conversation with good friend and bestselling author, Karin Kuschik. We celebrate the release of the English language version of her bestselling book, “50 Sentences That Make Life Easier”, and the release in Germany of my new book, “Zeit für Fragen”.
Our wide ranging discussion includes a lot of humorous moments along with content covering; the difference between knowing something and living it, how to succeed at implementing life changing tactics, the power of word choice and why it’s more effective to build the language of a creator, giving your mind the freedom and time to just think, adding new ideas to old situations, and why Karin chooses to count impact instead of money.
If you haven’t listened to our first interview together, I recommend going back to episode #40 and listening to that one as well.
To learn more about Karin Kuschik, please visit here:
To schedule a coaching with her, please visit:
And to purchase her books, please visit:
To get John’s new book, please visit:é-Rande-Welt/dp/3423264071