The Cafe on the Edge of the World Podcast
Host John Strelecky (author of The Cafe on the Edge of the World) and fellow collaborators share humorous and heartfelt advice about the big questions in life. Hang with them as they bridge the gap between our seemingly absolute unimportance given the grand scale of the universe and yet how to live a meaningful life despite that. Episodes include highlights from interviews he has given, and brand new content recorded just for the show. New episode each month.
The Cafe on the Edge of the World Podcast
#60 Tour highlights with John and Skip
Get ready for some laughs as we go behind the scenes and recap our time on tour in Germany where we launched my new book “Zeit für Fragen im Café am Rande der Welt”.
We dive into; Our favorite Museum Day moments on tour, what it's like on the road, amazing stories from fans, what didn't go quite the way we planned, John's can't miss tip for having an incredibly inspiring conversation at dinner (based on an event we did during the tour), PLUS, questions from the new book that skip needed to know the answers to, including "If you could only leave the world with one thought or idea, what would it be?"
Link to John’s New Book: https://www.amazon.de/Zeit-Fragen-Caf%C3%A9-Rande-Welt/dp/3423264071
Link to Vox Prominent interview (Start ar minute 19): https://plus.rtl.de/video-tv/shows/prominent-345648/2024-11-1013080/episode-44-sendung-vom-03112024-972367
Link to Tour Bus from 2022: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce3Df7qO1a2/
Link to Selfie Museum: https://sweetpics.de/