The Cafe on the Edge of the World Podcast
Host John Strelecky (author of The Cafe on the Edge of the World) and fellow collaborators share humorous and heartfelt advice about the big questions in life. Hang with them as they bridge the gap between our seemingly absolute unimportance given the grand scale of the universe and yet how to live a meaningful life despite that. Episodes include highlights from interviews he has given, and brand new content recorded just for the show. New episode each month.
The Cafe on the Edge of the World Podcast
#63 Alex Strathdee, Book Marketing Guru and Founder of ShelfLife
We get a lot of questions from fans about how to write and sell books. So we decided to bring on someone who lives and breathes that world. On this episode, I sit down with fellow adventurer, and founder of ShelfLife, Alex Strathdee. His weekly newsletter is one of just a few I've ever recommended and his podcast is a must listen to for aspiring authors and authors who want to find more readers.
During our discussion we talk about Alex's journey to finding his calling, how to rediscover yourself when you’re lost and don’t know what to do, turning failures and loss into learning experiences, understanding that sometimes it's the 3rd or 4th iteration of an idea that turns into the ”big idea”, why it’s okay to spend time searching in life, taking the leap into an adventure, strategies for avoiding burnout, learning to grow a business, and lots more about the book world!
To learn more about Alex Strathdee and ShelfLife please visit: https://getshelflife.com/
To get Alex’s new book please visit here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DW3RVZKM
To sign up for his newsletter please visit here: https://getshelflife.com/
To connect with Alex on LinkedIn visit here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexander-strathdee/